A company number is not the same as a tax number. A company number is issued to limited companies upon incorporation whereas, a tax number is issued to every taxpayer whether an individual or a business.
The company number is issued by Companies House while a tax number is issued by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) immediately after company incorporation.
Understanding the difference between a company number and a tax number will make it easier for businesses to comply with legal compliance without confusion. Keep reading the article to know where and how a company and tax numbers are used.
Also known as a company registration number (CRN), a company number is a registration number given to business entities after incorporating a company.
Upon approval of their articles of incorporation, limited liability companies (LLC) and corporations receive their unique number from Companies House.
You must use your corporation number when contacting or submitting information to Companies House.
The company registration number consists of 8 numbers, or 2 letters followed by 6 numbers, and can be used to identify your company and verify its legal existence.
The corporation number will appear on your certificate of incorporation and all official documents received from Companies House.
You will need your company registration number when:
A tax number is officially known as Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR). It is an identification number issued to both businesses and individuals for tax purposes.
Businesses use a tax number to file tax returns, pay taxes, and conduct other business operations.
You must use your tax ID number when contacting or submitting tax information to HMRC. HMRC uses the UTR number to identify your company and verify its tax status, obligations, and liabilities.
UTR number consists of 10 digits and it often appears on official communications from HMRC, especially forms related to self-assessment.
You will need a UTR number to;
Limited companies incorporated in England and Wales, their registration number consists of 8 digits. The number starts with 0, however, the zero may be omitted in some cases.
For example, a CRN for companies in England and Wales may look like; 01234567.
Registration numbers for companies incorporated in Scotland begin with two letters followed by six digits. The two letters indicate that the company is registered in Scotland “SC”.
For example, the CRN for a Scottish company will look like this; SC123456.
Northern Ireland companies also have a CRN starting with two letters followed by six digits. An example of a Northern Ireland limited company CRN is NI123456.
UTR number example
A UTR number consists of 10 digits and some numbers may have the letter ‘K’ at the end.
The UTR number will look like, 12345 67890.
Your company registration number can be found in:
The company registration number may be referred to as Company Number, Company Registration Number, Company CRN, or just CRN.
Your UTR number can be found in:
You can obtain a company registration number if you register your company with Companies House. When you set up a company in the UK, Companies House will issue a certificate of incorporation. This certificate contains your company registration number.
All UK companies are given a unique CRN, sometimes known as a ‘company number’ or a ‘registration number’, to identify the business and confirm its status as a legally incorporated entity.
Incorporate your company with Icon Offices and after Companies House approves your application, we will send you a certificate of incorporation for free by email. We do not differentiate between UK and Non UK Residents and offer the same affordable prices to all.
If you already registered your company and can’t find your company registration number, you can find it on Companies House register for free. Using the find and update company information service, you can get your company registration number.
If you are a business entity, you can obtain a UTR number after you incorporate your company.
However, if you’re self-employed or need to complete a tax return, you’ll receive a UTR when you register for Self Assessment.
You can register online through the HMRC website and make sure you have your National Insurance number handy.
After registration, you’ll receive your UTR by post within 15 days (longer if you live overseas).
Once your UTR registration has been approved, you can find it on your personal tax account by logging in to your Tax Account on the HMRC website.
Remember to keep your company registration number and UTR handy, as they are essential identifiers for your business. In case you lose any of the numbers, you can find the CRN on Companies House website and the UTR can be requested from HMRC. Once requested HMRC will send the UTR via post within 14 working days.
Icon Offices helps UK and non-UK residents form a limited company. When incorporating a UK company, companies are required to have an ‘appropriate address’. With Icon Office, you can either use your address to register your company or you can purchase one of our virtual office packages which allows you to use one of our addresses.
Our services allow you to get £150 worth of gifts of which £70 is actual physical cash. If you need help to incorporate your company, reach out to us at [email protected]